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Dr. Zheng Miaozhuang visits Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law



Dr. Zheng Miaozhuang visits Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law

On the evening of 23 May, 2016, the Celebration Series for the 35th Anniversary of RIEL and 31th Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law invited Dr. Zheng Miaozhuang, the associate researcher of the National Institute for Marine Strategy attached to the State Oceanic Administration. He gave a lecture entitled “Focus of Maritime Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction and the Sustainable Utilization” for teachers and students of RIEL. The lecture was presided by Prof. Qin Tianbao, Dr. Hu Bin and most graduate students of RIEL and Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies attended the lecture.

The Lectures was divided into four parts. First, Dr. Zheng introduced the international negotiation process of Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), showing the focus of negotiations. Second, Dr. Zheng carried out a detailed analysis and exploration on the legal status of marine genetic resources, the establishment of high seas protected areas, environmental impact assessment and fisheries in high seas, and summed up the positions and functions of the General Assembly, the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”, “Convention on biological diversity” in this negotiation process. Third, Dr. Zheng noted that BBNJ was closely relevant to global distribution of marine rights and interests, and briefly described the advocates and attitude of three camps emerged in negotiating process. Finally, Dr. Zheng objectively analyzed the impact of BBNJ and the negotiation of international agreements on China.

In the interaction stage, Dr. Hu Bin, summarized the lecture from the legal perspective. After that, Dr. Zheng Miao Zhuang had a lively discussion and exchange with participants and patiently answered specific questions raised by students, focusing on key issues of BBNJ and international instrument negotiation distribution.