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Dr. Kate Miles visited Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law


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Dr. Kate Miles visited Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law

On March 28, 2016 afternoon, the Luojia Lecture Series on Environmental Law invited researcher Dr. Kate Miles from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University. She gave a wonderful lecture entitled “environmental protection, trade and investment” for teachers and students of RIEL.

First, Dr. Kate made a brief description of the interactive mode of trade, investment and environment. On the one hand, economic activity, investment arbitration will bring a certain impact on the environment, on the other hand, the effective use of trade and foreign investment can also improve environmental protection. Next, she cited a large number of environmental dispute cases involved in international trade and investment relation from the perspective of the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement” (TTIP) and “Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement” (TPP). Finally, Dr. Kate expected that all countries could follow the “2030 Sustainable Development Agenda” on the basis of equality and voluntariness, and concept of green development, in order to achieve the coordinated development of trade, investment and environment.

In the Interactive session, Prof. Ben Boer commented and reviewed on the lecture and discussed the law application of investment country and host country and other issues with Dr. Kate Miles and teachers and students.