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Assoc. Prof. Li Shengji and Ms. Xu Lianying visited RIEL Alumni Salon



Assoc. Prof. Li Shengji and Ms. Xu Lianying visited RIEL Alumni Salon

On March 21, 2016, the 9th RIEL Alumni Salon invited Emeritus Assoc. Prof. Li Shengji and Emeritus Assoc. Researcher Librarian Xu Lianying. They brought a wonderful lecture entitled “RIEL and Us” for teachers and students. This salon was presided by Assoc. Prof. Luo Ji, and Prof. Qin Tianbao, Assoc. Li Guangbing, Prof. Ke Jian, Dr. Hu Bin, 1993 master graduate Zeng Gang and all students of RIEL attended.

First, Assoc. Prof. Li shared his personal experiences and feelings during his work in RIEL. When recalling his own education experience, he expressed that his golden age of learning was in Wuhan University, revealing his deep feelings about RIEL. With a science background, Assoc. Prof. Li stressed the necessity and importance of a systematic study of the natural sciences through comparing environmental science and environmental law, highlighting the need to adopt legislation to protect the environment. Next, Ms. Xu Lianying said that RIEL’s long history and abundant academic achievement is closely related to the contribution of the elder generation of scholars. She expressed gratitude and admiration to Prof. Han Depei and his efforts to establish RIEL, also she thanked the colleagues and students for the strong support of book and information collection and network establishment.

Dr. Hu Bin summarized the salon, pointing out that the salon was essentially a "Reviewing the Old and Gaining the New". He expected everyone to contribute as much as he can to strive for a better future for RIEL.